Ear Training & Music Theory Skills
Students learn rhythm skills, pitch skills, and other music skills through interactive activities that provide immediate feedback.
The ultimate goal of the Ear Training activities is for musicians to dictate music. That is, hear a tune and write it down using music notes.
The ultimate goal of the Music Theory activities is that students can read and analyze music.
Rhythm Skills
This is a sampling of the rhythm activities.
Tap the steady beat.
Tap the rhythm you hear.
Tap the rhythm you see.
Explain the time signature.
Count the rhythm.
Select the rhythm you hear.
Write the rhythm you hear.
Pitch Skills
This is a sampling of the pitch activities.
Does the music go up, down, or stay the same?
Which interval do you hear?
Write out the scales.
Tune the pitch.
Write the melody you hear.
What kind of chord do you hear?
Which chord do you see?
What kind of scale do you hear?
Other Skills
This is a sampling of the other music activities.
What tempo do you hear?
What dynamics do you hear?
What articulation do you hear?
What pattern do you hear?
What do these terms mean?
What do these symbols mean?
Which composer do you hear?
What instrument do you hear?
How does the instrument work?
Looking for a slower paced learning experience?
Check out the Junior Music courses.
The White Belt Ear Training & Music Theory course is equivalent to the full series of 8 Junior Music courses.