Every sound is either a high pitch or a low pitch.


Wassily Kandinsky was a Russian painter who was interested in the relationship between painted art and musical art.

Draw on the painter’s canvas below. Click the play button to hear the high and low pitches you drew.

Tap on the pink and purple circle to choose different colors and hear different timbres.



Draw a graphic score for the high and low pitches that you hear. 

Get several sheets of blank paper and something to draw with. Listen to the three soundtracks below and draw lines to show when you hear high sounds or low sounds.

This is an example of the first soundtrack. I used the orange marker to divide my paper in half so I had more space.

Your graphic scores do not need to be perfect. This should be a fun experiment.



 Daisy and Dillon each play a different pitch on the same instrument. Click on both play buttons and listen carefully to decide who is playing the higher or lower pitch.

Click on the name of the player to give your answer to the question. Try all three levels.



Click on each bell to hear its pitch. They sound similar, so listen closely to which pitch is higher or lower. Drag the bells to the numbers below in order from low to high.

Use the Check button to check your work. Try all 3 levels. Level 3 is very tricky!




 You tried it, so let’s check it!