This is Teacher Charity,

and welcome to your home page for

Music Town Level 1!

Your lessons are organized into the units below.

If you ever need to ask a question, use this handy blue button.


Getting Started

First things first!



What to Expect


Unit 1

Steady Beat

Steady beat is the heart beat of music.


1. The Big Idea

2. Medieval Music

3. Fast or Slow?

4. Instrument Family Tree

5. Steady Beat Review


Unit 2

High or Low?

Music has high sounds and low sounds.


6. The Big Idea

7. Renaissance Music

8. Same or Different?

9. Brass

10. High or Low Review


Unit 3

Short or Long?

Music has short sounds and long sounds.


11. The Big Idea

12. Baroque Music

13. Tempo Terms

14. Strings

15. Short or Long Review


Unit 4


Do-re-mi is the music alphabet.


16. The Big Idea

17. Classical Music

18. Loud or Quiet?

19. Woodwinds

20. Solfege Review


Unit 5


Music has sound and silence.


21. The Big Idea

22. Beethoven’s Music

23. Staccato or Legato?

24. Percussion

25. Rests Review


Unit 6

The Staff

The staff shows how high or how low the notes sound.


26. The Big Idea

27. Romantic Music

28. Dynamic Signs

29. World Music

30. Staff Review


Unit 7


Music is made of patterns.


31. The Big Idea

32. 20th Century Music

33. TBD

34. Found Sound

35. Form Review